Call for papers




Call for papers

The scope of SoCC is broad and encompasses diverse data management and systems topics such as software as a service, virtualization, scalable cloud data services, and data management and analytics at scale. Many facets of systems and data management issues must be revisited in the context of cloud computing. Suggested topics for paper submissions include but are not limited to:

  • Administration and Manageability
  • Data Privacy
  • Data Services Architectures
  • Distributed and Parallel Query Processing
  • Energy Management
  • Distributed and Cloud Networking
  • High Availability and Reliability
  • Infrastructure Technologies
  • Large Scale Cloud Applications
  • Multi-Tenancy
  • Programming Models
  • Provisioning and Metering
  • Resource Management and Performance
  • Scientific Data Management
  • Security of Services
  • Service Level Agreements
  • Storage Architectures
  • Transactional Models
  • Virtualization Technologies

Paper submission

Authors are invited to submit original papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. A submission to the symposium may be one of the following types.

Research papers

Original research work in the broad area of cloud computing. We solicit both long papers (12 pages) and short papers (6 pages). The former will tend to be descriptions of complete technical work, while the latter will tend to be descriptions of interesting, innovative ideas, which nevertheless require more work to mature.

Industrial papers

Presentations describing experiences with the deployed and state-of-the-art cloud systems. These papers can also be either long papers (12 pages) or short papers (6 pages).

Vision papers

Speculative but well-reasoned and thought-provoking essays. We will only consider short papers (6 pages) in this category.

All SoCC submissions will be held to a high quality standard, and evaluated based on their originality, technical merit, topical relevance, value to the community, and likelihood of leading to insightful technical discussions at the symposium. Submissions will be kept confidential. On rare occasions, long paper submissions may be accepted as short papers (pending authors’ approval and significant shortening).


Researchers and practitioners wishing to showcase and get feedback on work that is in an early stage, and hence not yet ready for publication as a paper, are invited to submit a proposal for a poster, optionally accompanied by a demo. See the call for posters for more information.

  • All accepted papers accepted at the conference are expected to have a poster, too.

  • Authors of VLDB 2015 papers on topics relevant to the SoCC community are encouraged to submit a poster on the topic of the VLDB paper.

Submission guidelines

Papers must meet the following formatting rules in order to be considered for publication. They should be submitted in PDF format and formatted in 10-point type using the templates provided below. We cannot give extensions for reformatting.

Page limit

Long papers can be a maximum of 12 pages while short papers can be a maximum of 6 pages. These limits limits exclude references but include all other content (e.g., appendices)

Paper type

Following the list of author names and affiliations on the first page, submissions should include a line that specifies the paper’s “type” (research, industrial, or vision) and “length” (long or short).

Paper format & fonts

For formatting, please use this style file. An example latex file using the style can be downloaded from here. Please keep \usepackage{mathptmx} to get the correct math mode font.

  • Papers must be formatted using a 10pt font on 12pt leading for letter-sized (8.5" by 11") paper. The text blocks must follow ACM guidelines: double-column, with each column 9.25" by 3.33"; leave a 0.33" space between columns.

  • Judicious use of color is permitted, but please bear in mind that not everybody has access to a color printer, and some people cannot distinguish some colors. Figures should be clear when printed in black & white.

  • Include page numbers.

  • Symbols and axis labels used in graphs should be legible as printed, and not require magnification.

  • Limit the file size to less than 15 MB.

  • Please read and follow this advice.

Review process

Reviewing is single-blind: author identities need not be concealed. All papers will be shepherded, and papers will only be accepted for publication pending shepherd’s approval.

Submission site

When you are ready to submit, please go to